Poland's PATRIARKH (Ex-Batushka) Are Black Metal's Latest Saviors

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Regarding modern-day black metal acts, it is safe to say that none are as riddled with ambiguity and mystery as Poland's own PATRIARKH. While the name PATRIARKH may be new to some, the group is a result of a highly-publicized fracture and legal dispute between one of black metal's most polarizing bands, Batushka. In what can only be simplified as a tale of two bands with the same name but under different leadership, Batushka has seemingly existed in various forms since 2017, either led by multi-instrumentalist Krzysztof Drabikowski or vocalist Bartek Krysiuk, both of which have heavily disputed each other's claims as to who has the legal right to operate under the name Batushka. 

Despite the nearly decade-long and ongoing legal battle between Drabikowski and Krysiuk, both forms of Batushka have taken the black metal world by storm with critically acclaimed releases such as Krysiuk's 2019 album Hospodi, with both versions of Batushka gracing the stages of countless European and international music festivals. A constant between both formations of the band has always been ritualistic live performances, lyrics that pull from religious texts, and their signature dark schema monk robes that all incorporate heavy influence of Eastern Orthodox traditions.

In September of 2024, after years of speculation,  Krysiuk finally offered fans some well-deserved closure as he announced that following the band's touring obligations for the remainder of the year, his version of Batushka would retire their name and now perform and release new music as PATRIARKH. Needless to say, the announcement makes perfect sense for Krysiuk and Co., who will release their conceptually-based album as PATRIARKH titled ПРОРОК ИЛИЯ (Prophet Ilja) on January 3, 2025, via their new label home Napalm Records and usher in a new era both sonically and thematically. 

Prophet Ilja details a historical event dating back to the 1930s of an impoverished local villager in Grzybowszczyzna, Poland, who claimed to be the living form/reincarnation of the biblical prophet of Elijah, resulting in him obtaining many devotees who would eventually form the niche Christian Orthodox Grzybowska Sect, lasting for over twenty-plus years. This historical event took place not far from where PATRIARKH is currently located, making them the perfect conduits to communicate this very story. 


PATRIARKH firmly implants Eastern Orthodox religious hymns and text into their lyrics on the new album Prophet Ilja, striking a balance between a critique of the religion itself while also upholding the sanctity of the sacred traditions almost seamlessly. Regarding traditions, PATRIARKH took the story's historical accuracy even more seriously by incorporating folk instruments commonly used in the time period, including mandolins and dulcimers. Additionally, PATRIARKH also chose to sing in their native tongue of Polish for the first time in their recorded history on Prophet Ilja to ensure nothing was lost in translation. 

With ambiguity being a constant for the band, Prophet Ilja will likely lead listeners to form the same questions they had for Batushka regarding the band's true stance on religion. Are they satanic? Are they Orthodox? Is it simply imagery for imagery's sake, or could it be both? Just like the dark veils that obscure the members of PATRIARKH's faces on stage, some things are better off not being revealed in order to keep you guessing and firmly intrigued. 

With the imminent release of the conceptually-based new album Prophet Ilja, vocalist Bartek Krysiuk and guitarist Monk Boruta of the enigmatic Polish black metal group PATRIARKH detail the triumphant next chapter of their career, the importance of the band's ritualistic live performances and unmistakable appearance, their use of folk instrumentation and Eastern Orthodox traditions in their art and so much more. 

Prophet Ilja is ushering in a new era in many facets for PATRIARKH (formerly Batushka), ranging from sonics, mission statement, vision, and thematic scope. You mention that the album and the new band name signify a change in identity. What exactly do you want this identity to represent, and how freeing does it feel to be emerging in this new form? 

Monk Boruta: We are very happy. Though we changed the name [of the band], we are still playing under that name until the end of [2024]. The new album is so fresh, so new, and so much of an evolution for the band that we are actually happy to be releasing it under the new band name. It's a completely new chapter for us. We're leaving all the legal stuff behind [publically], though it's still ongoing in the Polish court. The case could take another seven years, so it was a great time to start a new chapter.  We will see what happens next. 

Bartek Krysiuk: Prophet Ilja is a completely different album than the previous album Hospodi. It's more conceptual, where everything works together, and you must listen from the first song till the end as one whole. If you do this, you will hear and see all of the magic of this album. 

Boruta: We want people to focus on the music, leave all the haters behind, and move on. 

Krysiuk: Forward! [Laughs.] 

On the new album, you incorporate a wide variety of traditional folk instruments (mandolin, dulcimer),  strings, and choir sections that incorporate ancient religious hymns, which still seamlessly fit so well into the more harsh and aggressive instruments of eight-string guitars and drums. What is it about your country's folk music and instrumentation that is so appealing to you as a listener, and has it always felt like a part of your DNA from birth?  

Krysiuk: The story of Prophet Ilja took place in the region where I was born. When I was thinking about this story's music and visuals, I knew this album had to sound like my region, which is why we used so many folk and symphonic instruments. I was also thinking of cinematic music in how we create a concept album. There are also Russian sounds like mandolin on the album because we are close to Belarus and Ukraine, which is typical in folk music. Listening back to this album, I realize that it was a great idea and is exactly what I had imagined. 

Considering this event happened in your country of Poland and near where you grew up,  what is it about this event that was so intriguing to explore with this new album? Was this also the reason why you chose to sing in Polish for the first time? 

Krysiuk: I think it's because Prophet Ilja was also a theatrical play in  Polish, and if I had translated it, it would have destroyed everything. With this whole story and the songs, it will feel like the man, Prophet Ilja, taking your hand and guiding you through the album. 

Boruta: It wouldn't have made sense to translate it to English and have it make sense, especially because some of the words are idioms. On the other hand, it also encourages people to discover what he is saying; as Bart says, this allows him to guide the listener through the story. 

Krysiuk: I also used a lot of information from the people who knew the sect members of Prophet Ilja and the socio-political conditions of that period of time, which is also why we used the Polish language. 

Obviously, PATRIARKH's music, presentation, and lyrical content directly correlate to Eastern Orthodox traditions. Poland is known for having a very strong Christian religious presence that permeates a lot of aspects of daily life, both socially and politically,  in ways that might surprise North American audiences. What is your interpretation of religion's presence and influence on your society, and what do you want to offer in terms of critique and a message to the greater world? 

Krysiuk: We are showing our listeners and followers our vision. We are not on the left or the right; we are straight on. If you are interested, just join us, our vision, journey, and story. We are mixing sacrum and profanum in our vision of music and with our looks. The story of the Prophet Ilja is blasphemous and heretical, but we are only showing, so you must choose what you want to do with this. 

Boruta: It happens that Orthodox people actually come to the shows and like our music. Once you listen to the music and read the lyrics, you will see what we are trying to show. Sometimes, people ask if we are satanic, to which I usually reply, "Not Really." However,  if you think we are [satanic], that's fine, but we're leaving that for the listeners to decide. We are staying in the middle and just showing the world a lot of cool stories [in the process]. 

That makes sense, but can you clarify the intentions behind the band using ancient hymns but replacing the word "God" with "I?" That could be perceived as satanic in some respects or just pure individualism, if anything. 

Krysiuk: It's a lyrical idiom. I know it sounds Satanic, but this is just our individual form of lyrical themes and something that is new for people. 

Your live show is where the music and vision of PATRIARKH fully come to life through a ritualistic performance. With that being said, can you walk me through the importance of these rituals and what they entail? 

Boruta: Playing our music on stage without our stage props and robes, which are meant to look like an Orthodox church live, would maybe sound good… but it also has to look good. The visual part of the band is very important, as well as the sensory stuff. We are using a lot of incense and candles at the shows, so if you come to the venue, you will know PATRIARKH is playing there. [Laughs.] We're doing a lot of work to bring the best production we can, and I think it will add a lot to the show. 

Krysiuk: PATRIARKH is a conceptual band, so everything must be connected to music and visuals. We decided that PATRIARKH's show must look the same everywhere in the world. Whether you see our show in Bangkok or New York, it will always sound and look the same. 

Boruta: Sometimes it's a struggle to fly with all of that stuff, but we're trying the best we can. [Laughs.] 

Can you describe the design of the new robes the band adorns for these performances? There are obviously still very traditional religious elements in the design, but what exactly are you altering in terms of symbols and text in order to communicate your message? 

Krysiuk: When we first started, our inspiration for the robes came from the Schema Monks. Now, with our robes, you will see elements of the story that we are telling. With this new album, the robes will have graphical elements related to the album. Our robes are now inspired by the highest Orthodox priests but also mixed with our own individual vision.

Boruta: Fun fact, we've been playing in these robes for quite some time and the album title Prophet Ilja was hidden on them, but no one found it. [Laughs.] 

Are there any particular totems, religious regalia, or artifacts that are tantamount to a PATRIARKH performance? 

Boruta: That's an interesting question, no one has ever asked that before! I love the new paintings that we have on stage of the Prophet Ilja. However,  I think the most important part is the candle holders and the candles themselves that you can find in the church. I think It adds a lot [to the show], and it's just as if you went to a [real] church; you will see the same stuff on our stage, and it's so much more realistic. 

With the new record dropping in January of next year, what are your plans for the future, and are you planning to come stateside to bring your shows to US audiences? 

Boruta: For now, we're starting the year with a show that will have a full orchestra and choir in Poland on January 3rd, the same day that the album comes out. We are also playing the Bangalore Open Air Festival in India, and then we will tour Poland in March. In April and May, we will do a European tour, but with the states, we will have to see. With us changing the band name and the visa procedures, it's not as easy to get the work visas we need. In the worst-case scenario, we will come in 2026. 

Krysiuk: We love touring North America and know that we have a lot of followers and fans from the USA, especially when we look at our listener statistics. The USA is always the first or second in terms of plays for our music, so we know we must bring our show to the US for sure. 

Watch PATRIARKH's performance of "WIERSZALIN III" from their upcoming album  ПРОРОК ИЛИЯ (Prophet Ilja) below 



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